So it's been a while since I last posted something on this blog and I did miss creating posts terribly. To get back into the swing of t...

So it's been a while since I last posted something on this blog and I did miss creating posts terribly. To get back into the swing of t...
Do you know how to put on a bra? "Figure authority Henry Plehn" gives advice here from Cover Girl Fashions Magazine from 1947. ( ...
That is a LOT of choices and they come in a Neat Box!
"reinforcing his other qualities.."
Our smart Delineator gal saved the best for last. Me, Myself To try to see the good points in my face, my figur...
Our Delineator gal makes New Year Resolutions about her home too. My Home To have two comfortable chairs, each wi...
The Delineator gal turns her resolutions toward her own mirror. My Looks To buy a fresh supply of cold cream, s...
For today's list our Delineator corespondent looks at her wardrobe. My Clothes To develop enough sal...
Continuing the resolutions made by the writer in the 1937 Delineator Magazine. Here is her list concerning the Man in her life. ...
"New Years Resolutions, with a dash of enlightened selfishness, that will make a new woman out of you." This fine advice comes to...