My last post for 2008 (how did the year pass so quickly?). Yes I know, no sappy Christmas post or anything like's just not me...

My last post for 2008 (how did the year pass so quickly?). Yes I know, no sappy Christmas post or anything like's just not me...
I am sorry, really I am. Blogging has been the farthest thing from my mind this past month. if you only knew....hahaha all the crazy stuff....
Yeah, I've been a deliquent blogger, (hahaha, I love that name, so retared). But I'm back, and FULL of excuses. Which I won't un...
SUCH a nice song. I think it's got a LOT of truth to it, and the video really drives the point home. And of course, it shall always hold...
Never, I repeat NEVER read a James Bond book. The movies are bad enough.
Absolutely brilliant piece of work, I couldn't stop goes. (no, as much as I would wish it, I didn't write this) Mos...
Mel....I miss you. I do really. In this short time, we became better friends than what I though we would be. (does belones have something to...
Geeeee, so very pretty. Sigh, if only I could have them it would be a dream come true (not actually but you know what I mean). I catch mysel...
Me and Mel are offically twins...or so people say. But tell you see any resemblance??
Yep. This is what happens when you stick me and Ozie in a room, all alone, with only a rinky-dinky old computer to pass the time..... Anyway...
MY SISTER DID IT!!!! She graduated today from medical school, with honors! I'm so proud of you big sis.
This Sucks, I Suck, You Suck, We All Suck....Long Live Stupid People. Screw This.
Indeed. What's left of our family headed off back to italy for a touching (cough cough) family reunion today (all, minus a prodigal sist...
Okay so here they are, just like I said. They're just a few pictures taken on different occasions so you can all see what I've been ...
Yes I know, I haven't updated in a while. Bad llama...anyway, I shall update pictures very soon. So keep in touch. Toodles!
We went to this totally awesome park the other day. Basically it was a model of Gulliver when he falls asleep and the little people tie him ...
Okay, this is me, I don't remember how old I was, and actually, I don't care to. It is funny nonetheless, and a good way to post ab...
Ho ho, it's my free night people....let's try to make it fun, huh?? Ummmm, maybe not. Cuz it's just me, myself and I.
Okay the party was actually pretty cool. I will post pictures as soon as I can. I have to get them off Tete tonight brfore she leaves. Till ...
Today is Amelia's birthday, she's officially not a baby anymore. My daddy and Mel and Ozie are coming back from Los Belones today, ...
I'm sorry. He's just to beautiful not to post about. I miss him.
....why in movies it shows all the cool people crack their knuckles before they beat each other up??? Is that supposed to be scary? Really, ...
The Olympics came to a close today, how sad. Whatever will we do at 1 o'clock in the morning now? The crazy Spanish sports commentators ...
Yayyyyy it's over! Meaning the three days of working at Aqua, i.e. the shopping center that hires us each week for ballooning. But this ...
I love this movie. I swear it's absolutely hilarious. Pure genius. You really should watch it if you haven't yet, cus you have no id...
Happy Birthday Mishu!!!!! Have fun being a "random age" as you would put it. P.S. We better have a kick-ass party on the 29th. And...
Today me and Mishu bonded considerably for freeday. It's the first time just me and her go out together, as I already have with Ozie and...
Yep. Gosh you have no idea of what happened today. If I thought the journey to Los Belones was bad.....I take it all back. Gee I thought I w...
This is espcially for you Luca. Can you believe it???? Someone actually did this before us. Gosh. I hope you feel guilty now. You and your r...
I'll find that green fairy one day... Finally we got a free night. And you can't imagine how good that sounds after having been on ...
I sang at the karaoke bar the other night. It's something I've been wanting to do for years. One of those love-it-but-hate-it things...
It came to me during lunch. The brilliant idea that will make me rich. It all started when my daddy decides to make me try and figure out fr...
So yeah...I did it. I'm part of the freaky bloggers society. It was my golden birthday gift to me, from me. Oh I'm so happy...(Llama...